
Alexander Naughton
(YOG 2008)
Co. Name:Alexander Naughton

Current Industry Experience
Information Media & Telecomms
Occupation Fields
Advertising, Public Relations, Media & Arts
Previous Industry Experience
Arts & Recreation Services
Previous Occupation Fields
Advertising, Public Relations, Media & Arts
Tertiary Level/Institution/Subject Category/Major
  • Masters Degree
    Uni of Melbourne:
    Creative Arts
    Major: Media and Communication
  • Bachelor Degree
    Uni of Melbourne:
    Creative Arts
    Major: Honours: Screen Theory
Subjects studied at Year 12
English French History: Revolutions IT - Applied Computing Maths - Further Media Physics
What do you love about your job?

I get to tell incredible stories, ranging anywhere from feature films that play in cinemas to commercials on the TV

What career advice would you give to your younger self?

Chase your wildest dreams




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